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Shintaro is an industrial designer with a multifaceted perspective.
As an industrial designer, his motto is to design products that are not only attractive and feasible, but that also enhance quality of life by considering the user first, and most importantly, that will be loved for a long time.

He completed his master's degree at Osaka University of Arts in 2010 under the supervision of Mr. Toshiyuki Kita, and then moved to Singapore to start his career at Keio-NUS CUTE Center in the National University of Singapore.

He then joined Creative Technology in 2013 as an Industrial Designer before moving to Dell's Experience Design Group in 2019.
As of 2023, he is working as an Industrial Designer at Global Experience Design Group in HP Singapore.


Red Dot Award 2016: Product Design

"Creative iRoar Go"

iF Design Award 2021

"Dell C-series Collaboration Monitors"

Red Dot Award 2023: Product Design

"Dell Portable Monitor C1422H"




2010年に大阪芸術大学大学院修士課程を喜多俊之氏の指導の下で修了した後、シンガポールへ渡りNational University of Singapore内のKeio-NUS CUTE Centerにてリサーチエンジニアとしてキャリアをスタートさせる。







レッドドットデザイン賞 2016

"Creative iRoar Go"


iFデザイン賞 2021​​
"Dell C-series Collaboration Monitors"

レッドドットデザイン賞 2023

"Dell Portable Monitor C1422H"

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